Any tips here pursue Privacy, not Anonymity. Perhaps the most important to obtain here is Independence in the long run. Also a lot of babbling against big tech shit.


16/03/24 Patreon and Gumroad has got chocked again by their payment friends ( Mastercard, Visa, Paypal ... ) to stablish new rules about adult content. Gumroad almexost ban it, and Patreon now must have a explicit consent even between imaginary characters.

19/01/24. Firefox has changed their "Fingerprint protection" from Firefox-ESR to "Know Fingerprinters" in the last firefox release, moving from an absolute protection to a "selected protection". Is clear where is this going, so, I'm leaving Firefox and moving to the next ship: Mullvad browser and Tor. I will not finish the guide for firefox here. The mobile ecosystem is really hurted, because there is no good browsers left, perhaps the less bad is Brave by their random fingerprinting if you want speed and Tor browser from f-droid if you want something more ... ?

13/01/24. New article about social internet evolution: ( spoiler: Lain at end )

Like general rule , not do ilegal things. If there is a interest for find you, they will do it.


Can you feel how internet corpos try hard to crawl into your mind and sins ?

They are working from more than a decade to get into your life and stay with you all time posible.

They create tied machines to internet and their services. (Android request a account for use Google play)

Opt out of telemetry is a nightmare, where you have to switch off every minimal option like if you could approve they look into some things and another not, a not overall. Even with that, they not stop of making connections ( firefox case below )

The services start free and later they need subscription.

They destroy local bussiness

It must be something learnt somewhere because every corpo is following the from captative free to pay model ( or sell) in the run.

They sell your data, they squeeze everything they can from their services even if you pay. ( like Crunchyroll )

They want you like subscription, for give them a stable economical vision, and gives more money in the long run.

Force you to do somehting ( not let you know your game library in Epic unless download client, account or app requested for twitter or reddit for view content ).

Google has nothing to do now with respect their start roots. They came giving services and shutting them down from start. Google maps showed like a interested cartography in Google maps, now being a pure bussiness, controling how much times you can use the service like developer.

Your favorite alt internet companies has got absorved by corpos or dark funds destroy them in search for profit.

They shape content at desire. They restrict NSFW content, for example, for make happy the ad publishers, and letting the ad publisher use adult themes. Like for example, restrict Apps : They broke tumblr, lbry making them create odysee...

They tried to hidden serious problems in their companies Fired by spy on Gmail accounts.

You are feeding their private AI. You don't know where your produced data in Gmail, youtube tastes... is going or for so much time they will use it ( I hope this entry corrupts some AI ** imagines high ** )

This dark schemes must STOP! I recommend you to wake up and get suspicius about corpos who use this schemas, and stay away from them. I can't trust a liar or a manipulator, if I detect something suspicious, there will not pass much time until the shit will fall over me.

If anyway you have to do it like there is no alternative ( which is pretty normal nowadays ) try to threat them in a non trusted way:

Never give real or complete personal info to corpos (only hide to corpos, the rest will give you problems). Do you know you can use your debit card ( please not fall into credit card scheme ) using a pun name ? The name is not required for transactions and it will work with any name. Try it. For example , if you contract Mullvad, they will not ask you for credit card name.

Use different account names between services making you hard identify you like a whole.(good for evade doxing)

Use a password manager, like Keepass ( I like KeepassXC ), use the pass generator and not reuse passwords.

Use one account for following or watch which will bypass like hidden and another account only for posting (using Tor Browser or VPN) and not related in any way , giving less idea about your tastes and profile you (good for evade doxing and not use Tor all time).

Use services which let you use a browser than the app in your phone, giving them less clues about your network and access to your personal files, and is less annonyng in notifications.

There is disposable email services for temporal accounts , stay away from services asking for phone number:

Got a phone card number for throw it away later if you require. There is ones with 0 cost at month, take it without internet service. This works like the different accounts trick, separate things properly.

you can get a domain with email account included really cheap and have a lot of posibilities, like make a blog in :^)

Buy the less devices you can with internet connection. You don't need connect to your fridge or washer machine. The usual life of those devices are usually more than one decade and the apps will get unsupported in that timefor sure. Reject anything you can't log in directly in your LAN without internet connection. Read about ONVIF standard for your cameras and block internet on every device in home except for the ones you will use by yourself.



Microsoft : Actually Botnets 11 forces you to enable a type of security boot or use lastest CPU's forcing you to use only their botnet with your pc. Actually there is a option for only install tampered apps from the Microsft Store.

Google : The king of hipocresy, everybody went to them < 2010 by their cool features (Gmail, with big capacity and google earth/maps, and that "give everything" start ). Now everysearch in google is waste of time, which results in more login required sites and the rest in terrible AI generated webs, created for bypass that terrible thing called SEO. Also give us botnet devices which slave us to their ecosystem, making more and more hard to install your own apps. They are also trying to shape internet for their ad asociates , with Youtube and Play store rules, which ruined sites like Tumblr. They also develop features for slave us even more, like the "Stamped web" , a DRM system for the web, where you can't use adblocks; this feature got the reject from the industry.

Unity Technologies

Apple : Forced Tumblr and LBRY to quit NSFW access. Tumblr get destroyed and LBRY had to create a place without NSFW and actually closed.



Visa and Mastercard,Paypal:

They don't like NSFW in general. * WARNING NSFW SITE * * WARNING*


They almost destroyed the fingerprinting in the browser, from a wide fingerprinting to a selected per domain (121.0).



Yep I can't call this ones corpos, but you better take care and threat them like the rest:


Yes, you sure got surprised by this one. For being this big size company there is some good practices we could follow (everybody) is not about the quality of service or steam client, and surely not notice it : Gabe Newell coming from Microsoft knows well the shit coming from there. The first thing he done is not trust them with Botnets and make their own SO linux , and my favorite : Economical independency. Meanwhile Epic games is in stock market, Valve never got into. My opinion is they don't want outside control ( and not show numbers if they don't want ). Like some NSFW games goes entering to Steam market, I found more posible they could get targeted by card corpos, but they already accept alternatives like PAYSAFECARD ( which can be adquired with coins in your pocket ) and they put literaly STEAM MONEY in form of gift cards everywhere, and can be bought with the corpo cards anyway. This man amazes me. I can't be inside of his head, but I think he consider Valve more than a business like the rest.


There is a fact: If you try to move your services to another places which are privacy friendly you are only moving your problem to another place. You are giving your trust to another person elsewhere , which could sound good, but that service could get down someday surely more early than the corpo ones. There is a lot of places about privacy alt services in neocities and elsewhere with long lists to choose. The real escape from this wheel of doom ( something like Nirvana in Buddishm is a good analogy ) is SELF-HOSTING. You need the knowledge first, then buy some raspberry pi and start to host Nextcloud, IRC, XMPP... If you will put money in some service , do it where it deserves and helps. I will not give clues about how this is made, it is more easy than seems, but you have now the names for start to read and learn. Get a domain is a good idea too, even if lately this is getting doomed by our old friend, The Profit. Not trust about distributed internet and proyects about people sharing pieces of data hard to imposible to censor. If the vast mayority stop getting profit the thing will fall and die anyway ( is excesive big for being maintained by only some volunters ).

Also using software which not use online services is a good way to evade stop functioning someday. For this, open source solutions is well know for good habits; a warning: not every open source program can be trusted, like Canonical (ubuntu) or mozilla trying to make profit with shady ways **TODO LINKS** .

Corpos wants you to use their online products because makes you dependent on them and they only can be used with their terms, inside their fence where can you offer you subscriptions later and so on. Also you can't manipulate the insides of a online service wich is a facade, so not wait a unicorn hacker appearing saving the day. Buy a chromebook is like throw your money to trash, and making you hard to hop into another plataform. Also they made the use of smarphones to common there is orgs around you asking for install their auth apps wich require google play to get updated which of course requires Google Account. See? You can't escape. What you do will do ? Two phones, one of them with some mod rom? Perhaps is time to give up in those devices and not take them seriously never again. Trying to get privacy on them is a nightmare, there is a lot people saying they will get a dumb phone but that solution is only for a few. My recomendation is use it at a minimum and not use it for nothing serious or get personal email on them. They also scan for devices in your wifi lan, to maintain that devices happy in their own guest wifi or use mobile data only.


First, read this from digdeeper :

The guide is pretty accurrate except for firefox, actually is impossible to evade connections to mozilla which , no suprise, are google servers (geolocate them) even using user.js, also the shit is storming in firefox and sink in, Firefox is not safe anymore and you could evade it at all cost :(

Warning , this requires modify your host file or dns sink like dnsmasq (linux), there is a connection which is impossible to cut, ( ) I recommend block connections to,, and update using another browser like Tor.


Some knowlement first:

Mullvad is based in tor browser directly, because have the strongest fingerprinting in firefox forks.

Fingerprinting ( also called supercookie ) is the solution for corpos to ID you without need to store a cookie, and even between diferent domains , which is more efective than the normal cookies, and limited to origin domains.

Fingerprinting requires Javascript enabled for work ( like the normal cookies ). It reads certain details of your browser like browser type, language, hardware used, fonts in system... That differences with the rest of the browsers makes you distingable from in rest, in a percetaje enough to the point of know who you are from the rest, without the need of know your ip. If in any moment, you use the same browser without VPN, they can identify you thanks to this features.

For example, clownflare which checks you (challenge) when you enters some web using tor network, they could make a fingerprinting from you, between all the webs you get inside; and when you switch the vpn off and delete cookies, thinking you are safe, could id you with the fingerprinting, getting your real ip.

Fingerprinting in few words, makes VPN or Tor useless unless you use them ALL THE TIME. Browsers resistant to fingerprinting are really needed, or get the proper habits. You can think you can evade it having your VPN or TOR always on, but the FP could help to make a profile from you overall. An error about login elsewhere or use the browser out of VPN and you will be caught.

Some tips about fingerprinting

Actually the unique FP resistant browsers are Tor Browser ( and their derivate Mullvad Browser ) and Brave ( which makes fingerprint random ).

For make you resistant in Tor/Mullvad you must to protect: Fonts (yes,text fonts), Webgl, Canvas, Audio

  • Fonts: Font is the most overlooked fingerprinting from browsers so you will had to do some work by youself. You must disable to let pages to have their own fonts ; Settings > General > Allow pages to... ( must be disabled ). Change the fonts selected to default, serif and anything common. Then check it here: You should have a diferent selection of fonts for every "profile" or random it starting your session, for make the fingerprinting variable. Brave gives the same fonts but the fingerprint remain and is different between devices so is not useful.
  • Webgl, canvas: 3d for web, pretty useless unless you like browser games. I recomend you "Strict" like minimal in security options. It disables webgl, which standard not do it.
  • Audio: FP will work in Tor really nice, but not in Mullvad ( suppose to break videos os something else) I suppose this is fine. you can disable it anyway in about:config but you will lost audio in the browser.

    Check to get "Your browser has a non-unique fingerprint" in . I recommend this one for their simply read of the results. Try to do the same with an actual firefox non ESR if you can get the same :(

    Brave will give you "random fingerprint" which is good also... But it calls home so I can't recommend it unless you only do casual search in mobile ( where you should use Tor or Orbot taken from F-Droid )

    For me, the real trust of not make connections is important, because if even there is a simply ping, it is saying to my browser owners I'm here doing things with their product. I can't feel free wih that type of forced connection, and even worst, how is so deep in code I can't quit it easy. That in a open source product is really scary.

    You can check those connections inside firefox , with "about:networking" . The objetive is have only connections with the site you are visiting.

    If you want grab a browser ready without all this process, grab Mullvad Browser which works exactly like a tor browser ( not store passwords and have the fingerprint protection, which breaks webgl, webrtc for share screen... ) but it check for updates with itself and extensions with mozilla. This can be disabled easy, like their company extension for check their product , a pay VPN which have the respect of a lot of users. I think this browser can be really trusted but their tor defensive usuallibily excedes my tastes for a care free browsing. I think you really care about your anonimity, the first enemy is your ip, something is out of the scope of my guide.

    The functions of fingerprint , updates, natural browsering will make aditional connections to mozilla.

    Ublock Origin is essential. Block JS and fonts by default and only enable if required, and make the change permanent for your trusted sites.


    The usual ublock lists are corpo friendly. It's better trash them directly: In your "My filters": @@|| ||google*/ ||facebook*/ ||apple*/ ||microsoft*/ List of Google domains, if you care to block them.


    Esential : Time disposable emails : Email accounts (I use it for spam): Fingerprinting tests:


    The email forwards are closed by the moment.